May 2008  Marsh Harbor Abaco , Bahamas to  Hilton Head , SC

Glen McIntosh's Beneteau 57  "Latitude Adjustment"   (click on hyperlinks for pictures)

Crew: Jef Fincher, Henry Staley, Robin Terrell and Jim Peta 

Nassua hotel before going to boat

Beautiful color in the water

Sun rise at 6:30

Safe and secure

Outside grocery store while getting provisions for trip

Loading groceries on boat

Jef at the helm and Henry reading

Glen taking 5 in the sun

Gentle winds

Dolphin on our bow

Jumping in front of the boat

Glen cooking steaks on the grill

Robin chilling out, "steaks done, yet"

Henry, checking on Jef

Captain and crew having treats

Jim wind blown

Jef and Henry seeing what they'll pass while playing Hearts

Arriving in Hilton Head area

Light House at Hilton Head Marina

Jim lost in Hearts and has to eat the last piece of cherry pie.

Light House

Robin preparing boat for arrivial to marina

The entrance to the marina has a lock that will raise the boat up to the marina level

Inside lock

Once inside marina there is a walking bridge that we wait to be rasied.

Finally on land

At airport to pickup a rental car to drive to Atlanta

The end - almost