Dec 2007  Hilton Head , SC to Marsh Harbor Abaco , Bahamas

Glen McIntosh's Beneteau 57  "Latitude Adjustment"   (click on hyperlinks for pictures)

Chart of Trip

Crew: Robin Terrell and Jim Peta

Map of Trip

Our trip was to pick up Latitude Adjustment and sail her to Marsh Harbor, Bahamas. If we choose to except this mission


November 30, 2007 we packed up and left Wind Mill Marina in Hilton Head, SC for West Palm (est. 390miles).  What is interesting here is that the whole marina is held up by a water lock. We had to be lowered some 15-18 feet to the river.

Hilton Head

West Palm Beach, FL.  Here we fueled, eat, sleep and left at 3:00 AM. to Marsh Harbor (est. 300 miles)

West Palm Beach

We headed to Memory Rock on the over side of the Gulf Stream.

Memory Rock

In side to Bahamas to Sale Cay through the dolphins and pretty waters. We anchored here for the night and cooked out a traditional dinner on the grill.

Sale Cay
In the morning we sailed out about 3:00 AM to head for Little Abaco a destination and not a stop. Little Abaco
We anchored of Green Turtle Cay and dingyed to clear customs and immigration. While there we toured the town and ate dinner. Green Turtle Cay
A few hour later we pulled the anchor and sailed down to Guana Cay. We hooked a mooring ball for the night and ate on shore at a restaurant. Guana Cay

In the morning after Breakfast we pulled anchor and motored over to Mon-O-War Cay.  The cove was too shallow for our keel; we anchored out and dingyed in to a public dock.  We took a few hours and had a great walk over the island.

Mon-O-War Cay
After lunch on board we motored over to Hope Town.  The light house at Hope Town has been photographed and painted by numerous people. We stayed at Harbor Town Marina for 24 hours. A great meal and tour of island. Hope Town
The next afternoon we left for Marsh Harbor. The trip was about 7 miles. This is where the boat will be for the next six months. Some people just have a bigger sand box :) Marsh Harbor

( The beautiful birds are Glen's feathered friends and are highly respected )